Our Adopt A Digger Project

Our Adopt A Digger Project 'connects' students with Anzac heroes through pre-tour research & on-tour commemorations.
Almost every school and every family has a connection that's waiting to be discovered ... and honoured.
Our Adopt A Digger Project uncovers incredible stories.
The Western Front & Gallipoli

Vietnam - Thailand - Singapore

Kokoda & Sandakan

The Adopt A Digger Project was an exceptional experience for us all.
Our ‘Digger’, Private David Morgan, grew up in the house across the road from our school. Our research re-united family members and took us to his gravesite in France. Brilliant!
Mrs Angela Cofini – Teacher
Danebank School For Girls – History Tour

To protect the uniqueness of our journeys, and the valued personal connections and partnerships we have been privileged to accrue over many years, we don't display these itineraries in full on our website.
Please contact us to learn more.